myON Assignments can include oral fluency activities, in which students record themselves reading a passage aloud. This gives your students the chance to practice reading aloud, and you can hear their recordings and see how they are progressing.
Adding Oral Fluency Activities to Assignments
To add an oral fluency activity to an assignment, as you create or edit the assignment, select Oral Fluency in the Add Activities section of the page.
In the Oral Fluency activity window, first choose whether to use a Pre-made Passage provided in myON or to create your own passage:
Pre-Made Passages
Pre-made passages are provided with myON. The featured passages are listed on the left in order of their ATOS reading level and grade level. If you are interested in one of these passages, select it in the list to see it on the right.
To narrow the list to passages with specific ATOS levels, grade levels, or word counts, use the drop-down lists.
Once you've chosen the passage that you want students to use, you can print a copy using the Print icon above the passage. This is useful if you want your students to read the passage on paper instead of on the screen. Recording will still be done in the software.
If you want to change the pre-made passage, select the Modify button below the passage. When you do this, you'll switch to the Create my own passage interface, and you can add or remove text as needed and select Calculate to calculate the new ATOS level and word count.
When you have finished selecting a passage, select Add to add the oral fluency activity to the assignment.
Creating Your Own Passage
If you select Create my own passage, enter a title and the text of the passage. Then, select Calculate to calculate the ATOS level and word count for the passage. When you have finished, select Add to add the oral fluency activity to the assignment. Your new passage will exist in the assignment you added it to and any duplicates of that assignment.
How Students Complete Oral Fluency Activities
For oral fluency activities, the student selects the activity in the assignment and then selects Open Passage.
The passage will open. The student can either read the passage on the screen or on a paper copy if you have printed the passage. When the student is ready to start, they select Start recording.
The student may see a message telling them that myON needs to access the microphone. If they are asked to approve access, they select Allow in the message. If using Safari, version 14.02 or higher is required; if you are recording from an iOS device, you may need to turn off Siri® and turn it on again in order for audio recording to work.
When the student is done recording the passage, they select Stop.
The student can then listen to their recording by selecting Listen to myself. If they decide to record the passage again and replace their first recording, they can select Record again. When they are satisfied with the recording, they select Submit Oral Fluency to submit the recording to their teacher.
How Teachers Listen to and Comment on Oral Fluency Activities
As teachers view progress for assignments, on the Activities tab, they can see which students have finished Oral Fluency activities. For finished activities, select Listen to response.
In the Oral Fluency activity window for the student, select the play button to play the student's recording.
At the bottom of the window, you can enter comments for the student; if you have already entered a comment, you can see it, and you have the option to delete it. When you're done listening to the recording and entering comments, select Close. Students see the comments when they open the assignment and select the Oral Fluency activity.