All myON users can use the Favorites feature to create their own lists of books.
Favorites are books that you want to come back to or find easily. Bundles are books that you are grouping for a specific purpose, such as creating a list of books you want to read. Faculty and Administrators may also add the books in a bundle to an assignment or recommend the books to students. Books can be in your favorites without being in bundles, and they can be in bundles without being in your favorites.
Adding Books to Your Favorites
Wherever students, Faculty, or Building or District Administrators view books, whether you are viewing recommended books, browsing, or searching for books, you can add books to your favorites.
Students can select after they select a book cover. In the list view, they select to the right of the book information.
Faculty and Administrators select Favorite below the book, regardless of whether they are using the grid view or list view of books.
Students, teachers, and administrators can also add a book to favorites from the book information window.
Select in the book information window to add the book to your favorites. For students, the button is on the bottom right as shown below; for teachers and administrators, it is the middle button at the bottom of the window.
You can also add a book to your favorites as you read. Look for the favorites button (the heart with a plus sign) on the side or bottom of the page. After you select the favorites button, you'll see hearts move upward; then, the heart will be pink and will include a check mark instead of a plus sign.
Bundles - Adding a Book Directly to a Bundle from the Library (Faculty and Administrators Only)
When teachers or administrators select Favorite under a book's cover or a book's information in the list view, a popup window opens that allows you to add the book to a new or existing bundle in your Favorites right away. If you want to add it to a new bundle, enter a name for the bundle in the field, then press Enter on your keyboard. If you want to add the book to an existing bundle, check the bundle name in the window (such as "Cats" in the example below). If you want to remove the book from your favorites, select Favorited.
Viewing the Books in Your Favorites and Bundles
To see the books you've added to your favorites and bundles, select Library, then Favorites.
When Favorites is selected on the left, you'll see the books that you've added to your favorites. If you want to see the books in a specific bundle you've created, select the bundle on the left. Note: Books can be in favorites without being in a bundle, and they can be in a bundle without being in your favorites.
As you view Favorites and Bundles, you can do the following:
- In the group you've chosen to view, search for books with specific words in the title using the Filter books field.
- Use the options at the top of the page to choose whether to see just book covers and titles or a list with more information.
- Choose how you want to sort the books: by title, date added to the favorites or the bundle, ATOS book level, Lexile® level, Guided Reading level, grade level, audio length/time, page count, or word count.
If you sort by something other than title, you may see that information for the books (for students, the information is only shown in the List view). In the example below, a Faculty user has sorted the books in Favorites by page count, so the page count for each book is shown above the ATOS book level.
Working with Bundles
Bundles are groups of books that you want to use for the same purpose, such as books you want to read, books for an assignment, or books that you want to share with students.
The bundles that you have created are on the left side of the page; select a bundle to see the books that are in it.
Adding a New Bundle
If you want to add a new bundle, select on the left. Then, in the window that opens, enter the name of the new bundle and select Save.
Adding Books to a Bundle from Favorites or Another Bundle
Books can be in more than one bundle (or in both Favorites and a bundle).
If you want to add a book to a bundle, and the book is already in Favorites or another bundle, follow the steps below. The book will be added to the new bundle, but it will not be removed from its current location (Favorites or the original bundle).
- On the left side of the page, select Favorites or the name of the bundle that the book is currently in.
- Do one of the following:
Students can drag the books to the desired bundle on the left side of the page. In the example below, the book Yorkshire Terriers is in Favorites, and it is being added to the bundle named "Dogs."
Faculty and Administrators can also select Add to under books in the Favorites or Move to under books in a bundle to move a book to another bundle or favorites. In the window that opens, use the drop-down list to choose the bundle that you want to add the book to (or Favorites); then, select OK.
- To add multiple books to a bundle without removing them from their current location, make sure you're using the List view. Then, check the books that you want to add to the bundle; to select all the books, check the box next to the buttons above the list. Select Add to above the list. In the Add to Book Bundle window, use the drop-down list to choose the bundle that you want to add the books to; then, select OK.
- To move a book from one bundle to another (or to Favorites), in the List view, check the books that you want to move; to select all the books, check the box next to the buttons above the list. Select Move to.
In the Move to Book Bundle window, use the drop-down list to choose the bundle that you want to move the book(s) to. Then, select OK. The book(s) will be removed from the current location. When you select the bundle that you've moved the book(s) to, you will see the book(s) in the list.
Removing Books from Favorites or from a Bundle
To remove books from Favorites or from a bundle without adding them to another bundle, follow these steps:
- On the left side of the page, select Favorites or the name of the bundle that the book is currently in.
- To remove a book from Favorites, do one of the following:
- In the grid view, students select the book cover, then select . Then, they select Remove in the message that opens. The book will be removed from the location.
Faculty and Administrators select Favorited; then, they select Remove in the message that opens. The book will be removed from the location.
To remove books from either Favorites or a bundle, do this:
- If you want to remove more than one book, select the List view. Then, check the books that you want to remove; to select all the books, check the box next to the buttons above the list. Select Remove from Favorites or Remove from Bundle. A message will ask you to confirm that you want to remove the books; to continue, select Remove.
- In the grid view, students select the book cover, then select . Then, they select Remove in the message that opens. The book will be removed from the location.
Copying Books from a Bundle to an Assignment (Faculty and Administrators)
Whether you view Favorites or a specific bundle, Faculty, Building Administrators, or District Administrators can copy all the books that are shown into an assignment. Make your selection on the left; then select Assign All.
If you want to add the books to an assignment you've already created, select Add to an Existing Assignment; then, select the drop-down list and choose the assignment that you want to add the books to. Select Add to finish adding the books to the assignment.
If you want to add books to a new assignment, leave "Create a New Assignment" selected; then, enter the name for the assignment. Select Add.
Whether you add books to an existing assignment or to a new one, you can change your selections later by editing the assignment.
Recommending Books in a Bundle to Students (Faculty and Building Administrators)
Faculty and Building Administrators can recommend the books in a bundle they have created to their students. Students will see the recommendations on their starting myON page.
- To recommend books, view the books in your Favorites or the bundle. Then, select Recommend to Students.
- By default, the books will be recommended for 30 days. If you want to set a different end date (up to 90 days from the current date), select the date field in the Recommend to Students window and type a date, or select the calendar icon and select a date.
- Next, find and check the students that you want to recommend the books to.
If you are a teacher, your roster is shown by default, and you can check any of the students in your class, click Select All to check all of the students, or click Unselect All to uncheck all students.
If you want to recommend the book to a specific student and the list is long, it may be faster to search for the student in the list to find the student more quickly.
To confirm which students have been selected, select the number to the right of the "Students Selected" heading. This opens a list in another window. After reviewing the list, select Cancel or Accept to close the window.
If you prefer to recommend the books to students in a specific group, select the My Groups tab. On that tab, use the drop-down list to select the group, then check students.If you are a Building Administrator, instead of the My Roster tab, you'll see My Building and My Teachers tabs. The My Building tab lets you recommend books by grade; use the drop-down list to choose the grade. The My Teachers tab lets you recommend books to students of a specific teacher; use the drop-down list to choose the teacher. You will also see a My Groups tab that lets you choose a group as teachers do. Once you've chosen a tab and a grade, teacher or group, select the students that you want to recommend books to.
- Select Recommend.
Once you have recommended books to students, they will see the books toward the bottom of their main page - the page they see first when they log in to myON. Your name will appear at the top of the section. Your students will see the book recommendations until the date that you selected or for 30 days if you did not select a date.
Renaming Bundles
You can also rename or delete the bundles that you have created.
To rename a bundle, first select the bundle on the left. Select the pencil icon next to the bundle name. Then, enter a new name in the window and select Save.
Deleting Bundles
To delete a bundle, first select the bundle on the left. Then, select Delete. In the message that opens, select Delete again to confirm that you want to delete the bundle.