Follow these instructions to use the filters available in the myON book search.
First, select Library, then Search.
If you do not see the filter options, you many need to click the funnel icon in the top left part of the page to open the filters. ( or
depending on your assigned grade).
For Faculty with no grade and for students in upper grades, the page looks like this:
For students in lower grades, the page looks like this:
Students or Faculty choose the filters they want to use, then enter words to search for and click Search to search. To reset filters, select or
. Each filter is described below.
Using punctuation and words like "the," "a," and "and" can make it harder for the software to find the specific books you're looking for. Search for the main words in the title to find books quickly.
Include Only
For younger students, clicking this icon gives you access to the following filters: Series, Title, Author, Description, and Publisher. (For Faculty and older students, these options show automatically.) Students then click the boxes for the things they want to search for. In the example below, the student wants to search for the word in book titles and descriptions.
To search for fiction or nonfiction books, click the Fiction icon; then, click the box for the kind of books you want to search for. In both examples below, the student is searching for nonfiction books about cats. The first example shows what younger students see; the second shows what older students students see.
The Lexile® option allows you to search for books that fall within the Lexile® score you select.
For younger students, if you have a Lexile® score, the filter may show the best Lexile® for you; in the example below, 100 is circled. The student can select any number.
Older students click and drag the circles to choose a range of Lexile® levels to search for. In the example below, the student is searching for books with levels from 700L to 900L.
The ATOS option allows you to search for the ATOS book level you are interested in. See Levels: Book, Interest, and Reading for more information on ATOS book levels and interest levels. Note: This can also be an effective way to find books with Accelerated Reader quizzes since books with ATOS levels also tend to have AR quizzes.
Younger students select an ATOS book level to search for books that start with that level.
Older students click and drag the circles to select a range of book levels to search for. In the example below, the student is searching for books from levels 4 to 7. If you know your ZPD and you want to find books within the range, this is one way to search for those books.
Reading Level or Guided Reading
Click the Reading Level or Guided Reading icon to search for books based on reading level (A-Z). For more information, see
For lower grades, students select a single letter.
Older students click and drag the circles to choose a range of letters. In the example below, the student is searching for books with levels from T through V.
Grade Level
Click the Grade Level icon to search for books by recommended grade level.
For younger students, the student's grade is circled. The student selects one grade level.
Older students click and drag the circles to choose a range of grade levels. In the example below, the student is searching for books recommended for grades 5-7.
Story Type or Book Type
The Story Type or Book Type icon allows you to search for books that are Short, Medium, Long, or Epic. You can also specify whether you want books with audio or without audio.
Younger students select one of the book length choices (Short, Medium, Long, or Epic). Then, they choose one or both of the audio options: Yes for books with audio or No for books without audio.
Older students select "Any" under Story Length or one of the book length choices; for audio, they select Any, Yes, or No.
Clicking the Language icon gives you the option to search for books in English, in Spanish, or bilingual. Depending on the available books, you may also choose to see books in UK English, Cheyenne Arapaho, German, Hindi, Irish, Korean, Mandarin Chinese, Mvskoke (Creek) Nation, Russian, Welsh, and Yavapai.
Both younger and older students click/check the boxes for the languages that they want to see book results for.
Removing a Filter
When you've selected filters to use, you'll see the filter icons to the right of the funnel icon.
To stop using one of the filters, move your mouse over it. The icon will change to an X. Select the X to stop using that filter.