Students can record themselves reading aloud and review those recordings later. Faculty can also listen to students' recordings to gain insight into their students' reading ability.
How Students Record Themselves Reading Books
Students follow these steps to record themselves reading a book aloud:
- To start, find a book and select the cover. Then, select Open.
If you're using the list view, select Open to the right of the book.
You can also view a book's information, then select the open button at the bottom of the window.
- Select Start the Book.
- Select Record.
- You will see a message telling you that myON needs to access the microphone. In the browser message that opens, choose Allow.
Typically, the browser will ask for access to the microphone; it may also ask you to select the microphone to use. If this doesn't happen, you may need to allow microphone access in the browser settings, perhaps in the security settings or the settings for a specific website. (See the help for your web browser for details.) You may also need to check your operating system settings for the microphone.
If you are using Safari, version 14.02 or higher is required.
If you are recording from an iOS device, you may need to turn off Siri® and turn it on again in order for audio recording to work.
- Start reading the book. As you read, you'll see a moving picture at the bottom of the window to show you that myON is hearing and recording your voice.
To go to the next page, use the left and right arrows just as you would when you read myON books without recording.
If you want to stop recording at any point, select Done.
- Next, you can listen to your recording. Go to the page that you want to listen to. Then, select Listen to myself. (If the button is gray, the teacher has turned off audio.)
You will hear your recording for the page. If you want to record it again and replace the first recording, select Record again. Then, record yourself reading the page again; select Done when you finish.
- When you are ready to send the recording to your teacher, select the Submit button on the right. The number on the button will show you how many pages you recorded.
A message will ask if you are sure that you want to submit your book recording to your teacher. If you want to submit your recording right away, select Yes, submit. If you want to go back and hear your recording, select No, back to book. When you submit the recording, you can't make any more changes, but you can make another recording of the book later. If you are recording the book for an assignment, you can only submit the recording once.
If you decide to submit your recording, a message will tell you that it has been sent to your teacher. Select Okay.
How Students Listen to Their Recordings
Students can see a list of their recordings and review them by selecting Library, then Recordings.
You'll see all of your recordings - those you submitted to your teacher and those that you didn't (In Progress). If your teacher deleted one of your recordings, you will see that too; deleted recordings have a gray book cover with no color.
You can choose the buttons on the left to see just recordings that are in progress, just those you submitted to your teacher or recordings that your teacher deleted.
You can also choose to see a list instead, and you can choose how to sort the book recordings:
Listening to a Submitted Recording
For recordings that you have submitted, select the book cover to go to listen to your recording. If you are using the list view, select Listen.
Then, select the Open button.
When the book opens, the pages will open to the right. Pages that have recording have the recording icon. Select one of the pages with a recording.
When the recording opens, select Play at the bottom of the window.
The recording for the page will play. You will see how many seconds long the recording is and how many have played. To stop the recording at any time, select the Stop button.
To hear the recording for another page, select the page, then select the Play button.
When you have finished listening to your recordings, select the Close button to close the book.
Recordings in Progress
For recordings that are in progress, click the book cover (or the Open button in the list view).
When the book opens, select Start over or Continue the Book.
Once the book is open, go to a page with recording and select Listen to myself. When you are ready to submit recordings, select Submit as mentioned above. Then, select Yes, submit.
How Faculty Listen to Student Recordings That Have Been Submitted
When Faculty log in to myON, they see their Activity Dashboard first. You can go back to this dashboard at any time by selecting the myON logo in the top left corner of the page.
On the dashboard, select the Recording tab.
For each student on your roster who has recorded books, you'll see information about their last recording, including the recording time, the date, the book name, and whether the recording has been submitted or is in progress. You can use the drop-down list to see information about recordings in specific time periods.
To see all of the recordings for a student, select the student's name. You will go to the student's page with the "Books recorded" tab selected.
To listen to a recording, select the book title. Then, when the book opens, select Open.
The Pages view is automatically open on the right, and the recording icon is on every page with a recording, just at it is when students listen to recordings. Select a page with recording, then select Play at the bottom of the window to listen to the recording of the page. Once you start playing the recording, you'll see the seconds of playback and a Stop button that you can select to stop hearing the recording.
When you're done listening to recordings in the book, select Close to go back to the student's list of recordings.
If you want to delete a student's recording, select Delete in the action column for that recording. You will be asked if you're sure that you want to delete the recording; deleted recordings cannot be recovered, and although both you and the student will still see the deleted recording listed, you will no longer be able to listen to it. If you are sure that you want to delete the recording, select Yes in the message.