Follow the steps below to see students' progress on an assignment you have assigned. These steps apply to teachers and Building Administrators.
- On the Assignments page, make sure Active is selected under My Assignments. (Students only see active assignments that are assigned to them. They do not see draft assignments.)
- For each active assignment, you'll see the due date, the number of students who have finished the assignment, and the total students assigned the assignment. For the assignment that you want to view status for, select View Progress.
You can also view progress on archived assignments. In the archived category, you'll see the date archived and the total students assigned. Select View Progress. (Only archived assignments that were assigned to students have the View Progress button.)
You can also select the View Progress link for an assignment on the Faculty Dashboard on the Assignments tab.
- On the next page, you will see information about the assignment and a list of students, with their status on three tabs: Summary, Books, and Activities. The information that you see on each tab is described below. Note: For assignments that only include books to read, you will only see the Books tab; for assignments that only have activities and no books, you will only see the Activities tab.
The Summary Tab
In the list of students on the Summary tab, you'll see how many books each student read, how many pages they recorded, and how many activities they completed; if you select any of these values, you'll go to more information on the Books and Activities tabs.
The Summary tab also shows you each student's overall progress:
(an orange progress bar that's partially filled) means the student's work is in progress
(a red progress bar) means the student has not started work
(a green, filled in progress bar) means the student has finished the work
You can sort the students by any column in the table: name, books read, pages recorded, activities completed, or overall progress. Select the column heading to sort by that value; select it again to reverse the order (ascending or descending).
You can also use the Filter Students by Progress drop-down list to narrow the list to students whose overall progress is Not Started, Started, or Finished.
If the assignment has been assigned to several students, under the first list of students, you will see Next > and < Previous links and page numbers so that you can quickly go from one page of students to the next. Select the links to see progress for another page of students.
The Books Tab
When you select the Books tab, the list of students shows how much time each student spent reading the books, how many of the assignment books they have read, and their status on the book reading portion of the assignment: Not Started, Started, or Finished. Select a student's name to see a list of the books, the student's time reading each one, and the status for each book.
As on the Summary tab, you can sort the list by any column and use the filter drop-down list to narrow the list to students with a specific progress status.
If you require some books to be recorded for the assignment, select Books Recorded at the top of the page to see student progress on recordings.
For each student, you'll see the duration of recordings, the number of books recorded, and the recording progress (Not Started, Started, or Finished). The progress depends on the requirements of the assignment; if no recordings are required, the progress will show Finished even if a student did not record any of the books. Students can record books regardless of whether the assignment requires recording.
Select a student's name to see a list of the books, how many pages of each have been recorded, the recording duration, and the status of the recording: Not Started, Started, or Finished.
Select the name of the book to open a recording so you can listen to it. In the Comments column, select the number of comments to add comments, view any comments you have already added, and delete comments if necessary.
The Activities Tab
When you select the Activities tab, you see students' progress on other activities, including writing, oral responses, graphic organizers, and custom activities. Students who have not worked on any of these activities for the assignment have Not Started, those who have worked on at least one activity have Started, and those that have finished all activities have Finished. You'll also see how many comments you have added to activities.
Select a student's name to see more detailed information. You'll see a list of the activities in the assignment and the student's status for each activity.
You can also choose to view activities by Activity using the option just under the tab names. Select an activity type to see each student's status for that activity.
In both views, you can select the View link or the number of comments to open information about the student's work. What you see depends on the type of activity:
Graphic Organizer: Select View Graphic Organizer to see the student's graphic organizer. You can enter a comment for the student and select Add. You can also select Delete to remove a comment. When you're done viewing the student's work, select Close.
News Activity: Select View Progress to see the student's progress on reading news articles in the assignment. You'll see a status for each included article. When you're done, select Save or Cancel.
Oral Fluency or Oral Response Activity: Select Listen to response to open a student's oral response activity or oral fluency activity. Then, select the play button to play the recording. You can also enter a comment and select Add to add it for the student, and you can select Delete to remove an existing comment. When you're done, select Close.
Writing Activity: Select View Writing to open the writing that a student did for an activity. You will see the student's writing and the number of words and any peer reviews that have been done on the writing. If you need to delete a peer review, select Delete. You can also enter your own comment and select Add to add it for the student. When you're done, select Close.
Custom Activity: Select the score to open the student's custom activity. In the window, you can enter a comment and select Add to add it for the student. When you're finished, select Close.
Assignment Changes
At the top of the page, you have the option to edit the assignment or archive it:
You can also select View Booklist to open a window with more information about the books in the assignment, including the number of pages, ATOS book levels, grade range, and audio runtime. If you need to change the list of books, select Manage Books to open the assignment edit page and make changes in the Books section. If not, select Cancel.
Going Back to the Assignments List
To go back to the full list of active assignments, select < Back at the top of the assignment information.