Faculty follow the steps below to assign students to groups in myON.
For groups (but not rosters), you can also give students a code and ask them to join the group on their own if you chose to allow this when you created or edited the group. See How to Join Groups (Students).
- At the top of any myON page, click Classroom, then Students.
- Find the group on the left side of the page; then, click Assign.
- In the window that opens, on the left, you'll see a list of the students who are already in the group. If you want to remove a student from the group, hover over the student's name, then select the X.
On the right, the tabs give you different ways to find students that you want to add to the group: - On the Search tab, you can use the search field to search for students in the building by name, ID, or user name. Matching students will be listed as you type. To add one, hover over the student's name, then select + next to the student's name; to add all students in the results, check Select All under the list.
- On the Building tab, use the drop-down list to choose a specific building that you want to add students from. To add one of the students to the group, hover over the student's name, then select + next to that student; to add all students in the results, check Select All under the list.
If you need to add a student from another building that is not listed, contact the Building Administrator for that building to gain access. After the Building Administrator adds one student from that building to your roster, you will be able to select the building and add other students yourself. - On the Grade tab, use the drop-down list to select a grade. To add one of the students to the group, hover over the student's name, then select + next to that student; to add all students in the results, check Select All under the list.
- On the Rosters/Groups tab, use the drop-down list to select a roster or group that the students you're looking for are already in. To add one of the students to the group, hover over the student's name, then select + next to that student; to add all students in the results, check Select All under the list.
On all four tabs, students that you add to the group are shown as "Added" in the list on the left (see Jessica Sanders in the last example above). As you search for students in the tabs, students who were in the group before you selected Assign are marked "Already included."
When you're done adding or removing students, select Apply in the bottom right corner of the window.
On the left side of the page, the number of students in the group will change based on the changes you made. Select the group name to see the students in the group.